Sunday, January 22, 2012

May 2011!

Long time since I visited here, I bet even Bill gave up. Settled in Little River, SC. It seems I have become a bit of a nomad

Friday, May 20, 2011


I have been admonished by my reader so here goes. As I spend the entire day on the computer I try not to "waste" clicks for the sake of my poor aching hand. Mom visited for a few days, it was so nice to have someone here. I lived in NJ all my life and the move was a big deal, now moving again seems so much easier. The only drawback will be leaving a house I put my personal touch on, I am still going to populate the back with flowering shrubs and a small vegetable garden, maybe in the end I will stay, we'll see.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Good bye soon

Wow it has been a long time, Barrister Bill has also been remiss. The front gets prettier and prettier but the back is going to have to wait until Fall. I may leave Florida soon, probably put the house up next Spring, early Spring. Going to head for SC and my family, oh well everything has to be tried.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Flowers Everywhere

Okay so the vegetable garden is still in the planning stage but I have populated the front of the house with a LOT of flowers. The shady areas around the front porch are perfect for azaleas and inpatients, I love impatiens they do well in areas most would never bloom. I also added some coleus, does well in shade, and a birdbath and feeder under the big tree. I can sit on the porch and watch beautiful birds drink and eat. The other day we even had a large crane eating at the feeder for over 1/2 an hour. Of course the naughty squirrels are caught on the feeder daily spilling all the seed to the ground, I have a love/hate relationship with those squirrels!

Friday, February 11, 2011

So yes I am still here:) Very busy and still applying to more schools, I really must stop. Teaching on-line is convenient and mostly fun but it can be a little isolating. Some schools meet regularly, giving a sense of community, some not at all. Some are huge, some have a staff of two. In its infancy, well maybe childhood, but growing rapidly

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I have the house with the huge empty lot outside the fence, apparently my land but previous owner placed the fence within instead of around the whole lot (neighbor told Rick something to do with the town and "line of sight" but could have fought blah blah) ANYWAY my house is the one where the kids play and they can't get over the fence so door bell, can you toss over our football/soccer ball/basketball. I love owning a house, and I am not being sarcastic, I love that kids are out playing and balls come over my fence:)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I have really gotten away from the stock market, was an obsession for a few years. I guess I got bored or maybe it was all the (false) optimism all day on CNBC.